Below is our catalogue of the books in the collection of the Charles Williams Society, held at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Oxford. You may also download this list as a Word Doc here.
Catalogue of the Archives of The Charles Williams Society
AMH Alice Mary Hadfield
ECRH Ellis Charles Raymond Hadfield, husband of AMH
AMHX Charles Williams: An Exploration of his Life and Work, by AMH
JDP John D. Pellow
in right-hand column are to Lois Glenn, Charles W. S. Williams: A Checklist, unless otherwise specified. For sections I.A–E and II.B–C, the
categories devised by Glenn have been followed, with items for which there is no reference in Glenn placed at the end of each category. Note that section
II.A is not equivalent to that in Glenn; the books occupying II.A in Glenn have in this catalogue been combined with II.B.
piece no |
reference |
I.A.i |
books of poetry by CW |
I.A.i.1/a |
A photocopy of the entire ninety pages of, The Silver Stair by CW published in 1912 by Herbert & Daniel, London |
I.A.i.1 |
I.A.i.1/b |
Two typed pages of unknown provenance but their connection with CW is important. One is a letter dated 22 Nov 1912 from Sir Walter Raleigh, |
AMHX, p. 19 |
I.A.i.2/a-b |
I.A.i.2/a Note on Poems of Conformity, attributed to AMH by a covering note by ECRH (also included) I.A.i.2/b A photocopy of the entire volume Poems of Conformity O.U.P., 1917, 127 pp |
I.A.i.2 |
I.A.i.3 |
Five slips, relating to Divorce, of various sizes with notes, possibly AMH’s on CW’s poem; also a note on the file from ECRH dated |
I.A.i.3 |
I.A.i.4 |
Five pages of notes, all probably by AMH. concerning Windows of Night, some with comments by CW and others before publication, |
I.A.i.4 |
I.A.i.6/a-c |
One and a half pages of handwritten notes in AMH’s handwriting, titled “Taliessin in Logresâ€. It appears, despite the slight difference in I.A.i.6/b
One small handwritten page with the envelope that contained it. On the envelope is a note stating that the page concerns Taliessin is in I.A.i.6/c Three copies of a two page photostat of poetry, ‘The Ascent of the Spear’ and ‘The Departure of Dindrane’, (sections of Taleissin through Logres?) |
I.A.i.6 |
I.A.i.7 |
The contents of an envelope labelled in the handwriting of AMH, “My working xerox of Region of Summer Starsâ€. items 1-9 miscellaneous notes in hand of AMH items 10- 60: xerox with marginalia of “The Region of the Summer Stars†item 61 misc. notes |
I.A.i.7 I.A.i.8 |
I.A.i.9 |
The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams |
no ref. |
I.A.i.10 |
Charles Williams, 1886-1945, Selected Poems |
no ref. |
I.A.iii |
books of plays by CW |
I.A.iii.1/1-7 |
Complete copy, 18 pages, of The Masque of the Manuscript, a gift of R.D. Binfield to the CW Society (bookplate). Privately printed
A second complete copy, 18 pages, of The Masque of the Manuscript, privately printed 1927 by Henderson & Spalding, London. I.A.iii.1/2
An envelope containing: (1) an invitation to the presentation of The Masque of the Manuscript on 28 April 1927 Amen House London; I.A.iii.1/3 Five typed pages of the ten sonnets in The Masque of the Manuscript. See letter of ECRH in V.F.2.ii. I.A.iii.1/4
(1) A photocopy of the entire The Masque of the Manuscript from a printed volume with no marginalia or handwritten comments; (2) a I.A.iii.1/5 A printed programme for the presentation on 16 May 1998 of The Masque of the Manuscript and The Masque of Perusal I.A.iii.1/6
A single printed sheet containing: “From THE MASQUE OF THE MANUSCRIPT The Carol of Amen House†and “From THE MASQUE OF PERUSAL the I.A.iii.1/7 CCA Clipping from an unnamed paper about a revival performance of two of CW’s masques, undated but sometime in 1955. |
I.A.iii.1 |
I.A.iii.2 |
Photocopy of Prologue and Part II of A Myth of Shakespeare by CW with some marginalia in ink on the photocopy. Held together with |
I.A.iii.2 |
I.A.iii.3/1-4 |
Complete copy of The Masque of Perusal written by CW and set to music by Hubert J. Foss, printed by Henderson and Spalding, 1929, I.A.iii.3/2
A second copy of The Masque of Perusal written by CW and set to music by Hubert J. Foss, printed by Henderson and Spalding, 1929, I.A.iii.3/3 A photocopy of the entire The Masque of Perusal from a book with much marginalia written in ink on the photocopied pages. I.A.iii.3/4 A photocopy of the entire The Masque of Perusal from a typescript, with no marginalia. |
I.A.iii.3 |
I.A.iii.4 |
Photocopy of a playbill for Rite of the Passion; four small sheets of notes attributed to AMH by a covering slip{also included] of |
I.A.iii.4 |
I.A.iii.5/1-7 |
A four page typescript on thin, fragile paper titled: THE PERFORMANCE OF “CRANMER OF CANTERBURY†IN THE CLOISTERS OF CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, I.A.iii.5/2 Five playbills and six announcements of the performance 24-28 June, 1986, at the Abbey Theatre, Westminster Lodge, St Albans. I.A.iii.5/2a
Four unlabelled and undated colour photographs of a performance of “Thomas Cranmer of Canterburyâ€. Probably in the Abbey Theatre, St I.A.iii.5/2b Five black-and-white photographs of the performance at St Albans, June 1986, with a list of performers I.A.iii.5/2c Photocopy of a review of the performance at St Albans of “Cranmer of Canterbury†from the Herts Advertiser 14 July 1986. I.A.iii.5/3
A typed page at the top of which are three paragraphs titled “THOMAS CRANMER OF CANTERBURY By Charles Williams†and giving a summary of the
On the lower part of the typed page there is the poem titled: â€THE KING’S CROWNING, 12th MAY 1937 by Charles Williamsâ€. It is I.A.iii.5/4
Photocopy of a playbill of Cranmer of Canterbury by CW presented by the Union Theological Seminary, at James Memorial Chapel, New I.A.iii.5/5 [a] Playbill for Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury performed in Canterbury Cathedral, 28 Oct. 1979
[b] Clipping from an unnamed newspaper of a photo of the Canterbury Festival Players on their way to the Cathedral for a performance of I.A.iii.5/6 [a]Programme of Festival ’80, St. Luke’s and Broomwood Churches, including Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury by CW on 13 Oct. 1980. [b]Playbill for Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury performed in the Festival ’80, on 13/14 Oct. 1980 at St. Luke’s Church I.A.iii.5/7
Souvenir Programme of The Canterbury Festival, pp. 6-13, ‘Cranmer of Canterbury A New Play specially written for the Festival by Charles |
I.A.iii.5 |
I.A.iii.6/a-b |
Playbill for Judgement at Chelmsford performed at Scala Theatre 14-28 June [no year given], with letter from John I.A.iii.6/b Notes by AMH re letters in the Society’s archive about the play “Judgement at Chelmsford†and its performance; 5 slips in a file dated June 1989. |
I.A.iii.6 |
I.A.iii.7 |
I.A.iii.7 Seven complete photostatic copies of The House of the Octopus. |
I.A.iii.7 |
I.A.iii.8/a-h |
Two copies of CHRISTENDOM A Journal of Christian Sociology. vol. 7. no. 27 (Sept 1937) containing “Seed of Adam: A Nativity Play†I.A.iii.8/b
Photocopy of the manuscript of the final chorus in “Seed of Adam†with a note on the reverse side by AMH of the source of this copy. A gift I.A.iii.8/c
Six typed pages of extracts by AMH from CW’s letters to Phyllis Potter, producer of “Seed of Adamâ€. A gift from AMH to the I.A.iii.8/d
Photocopy of a playbill for The House by the Stable and Grab and Grace by CW, performed at Union Theological Seminary, I.A.iii.8/e Photocopy of announcement of performances in New York, May 1958 of The House by the Stable and Grab and Grace by CW . I.A.iii.8/f
Photocopy of two newspaper clippings: (1) an article in the Boston Traveler, 11 July 1959 about summer theatre stagings in US of I.A.iii.8/g
Programme of Coventry Cathedral Drama Production of The House by the Stable and Grab and Grace no year give. Gift of AMH I.A.iii.8/h
Photocopy of a playbill for the presentation of The House by the Stable and Grab and Grace by Union Theological Seminary, I.A.iii.8/i
A playbill of Seed of Adam a Nativity Play by CW with music by Eric Taylor, performed at the Church of St. Thomas, Regent Street, |
I.A.iii.8 |
I.A.iii.8/j A small printed playbill for the performance of Grab and Grace by Trinity College Drama in Chicago on 8 Dec. 1978. |
no ref. |
I. A.iii.9 |
A playbill of Terror of Light performed by The Pilgrim Players; undated. |
I.A.iii.9 |
I.A.iii.10/ a-b |
Thirty-seven typed pages, the text of The Masque of the Termination of Copyright 1930 by CW. Beneath the title and date there is I.A.iii.10/b Two complete photocopies of the above. |
no ref |
I.A.iii.11 |
A fifty-one page photocopy of Frontiers of Hell written in 1941 but never performed. A note on the cover explains the copyright. |
no ref. |
I.A.iv |
books of criticism by CW |
I.A.iv.2 |
A handwritten slip [by AMH?] headed “E. P. Mind†[English Poetic Mind] with an extract from a letter dated 15 July 1932 from CW to “Thelma |
I.A.iv.2 |
I.A.v |
books on theology by CW |
I.A.v.1 |
I.A.v.1/a I.A.v.1/b Two slips pertaining to He Came Down From Heaven I.A.v.1/c
six small pages which an enfolding note states are: “C . S. Lewis’s notes in his copy of He Came Down From Heaven seen by courtesy of |
I.A.v.1 |
I.A.v.2/a-b |
I.A.v.2/a Photocopy of pp.iv-xii of Meridian Books edition of The Descent of the Dove, containing the Introduction by W.H. Auden. I.A.v.2/b
Ten slips concerning the Descent of the Dove, with covering slip reading “AMH notes relating to the Descent of the Dove, |
I.A.v.2 |
I.A.v.3/a-c |
a. Four pages of notes by AMH concerning CW’s work on Witchcraft, original title Magic. b. Two carbons of letters dated15 Feb. 1979 regarding the reprinting of Witchcraft. c. A six page article, “The Smell of Sulphur†in Encounter, Jan. 1978 with references to Williams’ Witchcraft. |
I.A.v.3 |
I.A.v.4 |
Letter published in TLS (18 Nov 1977) from G. M. Watkins pertaining to statements made by CW in The Forgiveness of Sins. |
no ref. |
I.A.v.5 |
A photocopy of seven printed pages titled ‘INTRODUCTION’; Glen Cavaliero is named at the end as the writer, but the title of the work is |
I.A.v.5 | |
biographies by CW |
| |
A note attached to the front of a folder (not preserved): “Myth of Bacon texts & misc. material belonging to Alice Mary ECRH Copies of Acts 1, 3 and Epilogue Envelope [a]: earlier typescripts of these Envelope [b]: typescripts of Acts 2, 3 (two of each)
June 1989 Sixteen pages of typescript titled A Myth of Bacon, some corrections and marginalia Two sheets in AMH’s handwriting each headed “The Myth of Baconâ€. Each sheet has extracts from letters of CW and concern “Myth of Bacon†
Contents of an envelope on which was written “Myth of Bacon†and, in a much smaller hand, possibly AMH’s, this statement: “Corrections in
The contents consist of twenty-eight typed pages plus an unnumbered page with the title “A MYTH OF BACON CHARLES WILLIAMSâ€. All pages are A photocopy of the programme of A Myth of Francis Bacon (Downe House, 25 June 1932).
Two sheets about “A Myth of Baconâ€; the first, typed giving the history of the work with a handwritten notation by AMH; the other, in AMH’S Photocopy of eleven typed pages of scene II of The Myth of Bacon with AMH’s handwritten note at the top of page 1. Carbon-copy of eleven typed pages of Scene III of The Myth of Bacon, with some annotations; photocopy of same eleven pages. | |
I.B. |
poems and stories by CW |
I.B.4 |
Two photocopies: (1) the Contents page of The London Mercury, vol. 5, no. 12 (March 1922); (2) page 262 with “Absence†a poem by |
I.B.4 |
I.B.5 |
Photocopy of The Moon, 31 pages, a cantata, music by W. Gillies Whitaker, words by CW. |
I.B.5 |
I.B.7 |
Two copies of the text and music of Stabat Mater Dolorosa, by George Oldroyd, English translation by CW, pub. OUP, 1926, 34 pages. |
I.B.7 |
I.B.8.a-d |
Eight printed pages with some marginalia, the complete text titled An Urbanity, no publisher or date of publication given. Formerly in an I.B.8.b
Three small leaves of handwritten notes titled “An Urbanityâ€. The notes contain a “Key†in which the identity of each character in the A slip in AMH’s hand states An Urbanity Privately printed by & for the O.U.P. 1926â€. Formerly in the same envelope [now destroyed] with the CW. Society’s label and indicating that it is the gift of R.D. Binfield Esq. I.B.8.c Eight printed pages with some marginalia, the complete text titled An Urbanity, no publisher or date of publication given. I.B.8.d A photocopy of the first seven pages of An Urbanity which had some marginalia identifying the characters in the masque |
I.B.8 |
I.B.9/a,b |
Five bound leaves containing A Carol of Amen House. words by CW, music by Hubert J. Foss. Privately printed by Henderson & I.B.9/b A complete photocopy of A Carol of Amen House |
I.B.9 |
I.B.11 |
Miscellaneous poems by CW published but not collected: a photocopy of “Percivale’s Songâ€, ten slips with notes by AMH, a covering note |
I.B.11 |
I.B.15 |
A five page carbon copy, titled “TALIESSIN’S RETURN TO LOGRESâ€; a second five page carbon copy of the same with a few typographical errors |
I.B.15 |
I.B.20/a-b |
Five typed pages numbered and titled, ’TALIESSIN IN THE ROSE-GARDEN’. Below the title there is a prose paragraph explaining the poem’s I.B.20/b Notes & an article on “Taliessin in the Rose Gardenâ€. items 1-4 notes and card in hand of AMH re “Taliessin in the Rose Garden†items 5-12 an article by Thelma Shuttleworth for CWS Newsletter |
I.B.20 |
I.B.21 |
Page from Time and Tide, 15 March 1941 with CW’s poem, ‘Dinadan’s Song’ |
I.B.21 |
I.B.22/a-b |
I.B.22/a “On the Sanctissimum: With an Epilogue†by CW. Four pages photocopied from Theology, vol. 43 ( Sept. 1941) 141-144 I.B.22/b
Theology. A Monthly Review |
I.B.22 |
I.B.24 |
I.B.24 |
I.B.25/a-b |
Two originals of The Grasshopper Broadsheets. No. 10, ser. 3, (October 1944) Poem: “To Michal: After Marriageâ€. The gift of Miss I.B.25/b Photocopy of the above with the stamp of Kings College London |
I.B.25 |
I.B.31/1-3 |
The Century I.B.31/1
Copy of a typescript (68 pages) with hand-written title page: “The Century by Charles Williams, 1926-7â€; held together with I.B.31/2 Handwritten listing of the contents, labelled “The Century – Poems Referencedâ€. I.B.31/3 Four pages with miscellaneous notes referring to some of the poems in The Century. Handwriting probably that of AMH. |
AMHX, p. 60 |
I.B.32 |
Two page poem with no given title or author, but a pencilled note at the top of page 1 states that it seems to be by CW. Plus an attached note reading: GL ® BH [meaning Gillian Lunn to Brian Horne?] |
no ref. |
I.B.33 |
“The King’s Crossing, 12th May, 1937 â€,
see also |
no ref. |
I.B.34/a-c |
Contents of a file bearing the label: Misc. CW Writing, signed ECRH, June 1989. Staples have been removed and replaced with I.B.34/a
Four pages of photocopied handwritten poem (“If I were to add againâ€) each attached to a large sheet (one annotated Anne Renwick), in
S I.B.34/c
’ Eleven photocopied pages of individual typed poems. In upper right-hand corners numbered in pencil F2a through F2k. |
no ref. |
I.B.35 |
Untitled poem published on page 1, of The Lantern, the Quarterly magazine of the Oxford University Press (London). vol. 3. no. 3 |
no ref. |
I.B.36 |
Two copies of a two page, typed poem beginning ‘Terrible to us is every finished thing.’ No date, but at the end of each copy there is |
no ref. |
I.B.37 |
Photocopy of two pages of Book of the Pageant of Gwent (Abergavenny: Owen Bros. n.d.) containing a poem attributed to CW according |
no ref. |
I.B.38 |
Two photocopies, each a single page, of a poem beginning: “I have studied – an antiquarian pedant? so,â€. At the top of the page, above the |
no ref. |
I.B.39 |
A SERVICE to be used at St. Paul’s by CW, four pages photocopied but undated. |
no ref. |
I.B.40.i-iii |
Three typed pages all very faded but each different in nature. I.B.40.i A poem somewhat interpolated in the Lord’s Prayer. I.B.40.ii A sonnet University graduation as its theme. Below the poem there is typed ’13 June 1940’. I.B.40.iii
A poem of twenty-four lines, the first two being: ’Irene, let no succubus/ of learning falsely lure you thus’. Beneath the poem there is a |
no ref. |
I.B.41 |
Four typed pages numbered and titled, ‘The Departure of Blanchfleur’, a section of Taliessin through Logres. In the |
no ref. |
I.B.42 |
Photocopy of a typed page containing a sonnet thought to be by CW titled ‘TO V.G.’ |
no ref. |
I.C. |
articles and letters by CW |
I.C.12 |
Photocopy of p. 525, vol. 8 of Week-End Review (18 Nov, 1933), ‘Autocriticisms’ by CW, remarks about his Reason and Beauty in the Poetic Mind’. |
I.C.12 |
I.C.20 |
Two photocopies of pages 75-76 of Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle containing ‘Notes on Religious Drama’ by CW. |
I.C.20 |
I.C.21 |
Two copies of The London Mercury and Bookman, vol. 36, no. 213 (July 1937), containing CW’s article ‘The New Milton’, 255-261. One |
I.C.21 |
I.C.22.i-ii |
Contents of an envelope mailed by The Bodleian Library to Mr. R, H. Wallis. On the envelope [destroyed] there was written by and signed R H I.C.22.i
Eighteen pages of a photocopy of what seems to have been the transcript of a recording of the lecture, for there are indications of I.C.22.ii
Two pages on both sides of which are handwritten notes (by AMH?) referring to CW’s lecture at the Sorbonne. Very faint pencil note at top |
I.C.22 |
I.C.30 |
Two leaves from St. Martin’s Review, July 1940, pp. 329-332 containing “The Church Looks Forward†by CW, gift of Miss |
I.C.30 |
I. C. 33/a
A copy of a seven page typescript of a talk, ‘The Recovery of Spiritual Initiative’ given by CW at St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, Oct. 2, I.C.33/b A second copy of the talk, apparently made from I.C.33/a. I.C.33/c
Eight pages containing a typed, marked copy of the text of I.C.33/a with one page almost entirely repeated, and the verso of the first five |
I.C.33 |
I.C.35 |
Four pages of extracts of letters and reports of CW to the OUP dating from 1935 to 1940 regarding Kierkegaard and whether to publish some |
I.C.35 |
C.46 |
‘Natural Goodness’, an article by CW printed in Theology, Oct. 1941, pp. 211-216, presented by Ursula Grundy to the CW Society. |
I.C.46 |
I.C.47 |
Religion and Love in Dante |
I.C.47 |
I.C.49 |
‘Notes on the Way’ by CW, Time and Tide, vol. 23, no. 9, (Feb 28, 1942) p.170-71. Gift of Dorothy Fitzgerald to the CW |
I.C.49 |
I.C.50 |
‘Notes on the Way’ by CW, Time and Tide, vol. 23, no. 10, (March 7, 1942) p.194. Gift of Dorothy Fitzgerald to the CW Society. |
I.C.50 |
I.C.59 |
Four proof sheets showing ten pages of CW’s article ‘What the Cross means to me’, published in What the Cross means to me: A Theological Symposium, London, 1943. The gift of Miss Ursula Grundy to the CW Society |
I.C.59 |
I.C.63 |
Two copies, each eight pages of photocopy, of an article by CW, ‘On the Poetry of The Duchess of Malfi’. The source of |
I.C.63 |
I.C.64 |
Fourteen typed pages of an article untitled and with no author given. It makes many references to Blake’s Prophetic Books and to |
no ref. |
I.C.65 |
Unsigned tribute to H. M. Peacock attributed to CW, pages 98-101 of The Lantern, the Quarterly magazine of the Oxford University Press (London). vol. 11. no. 4 (Jan 1939). A gift of R. D. Binfield |
no ref. |
I.C.66 |
Two sets of photocopies of Letters to Peter—I-VI by CW in G.K’ s Weekly March 5, April 2, April 30, May 28, June 18, July [see II.C.i/8a for another copy of Letter V.] |
no ref. |
I.C.67 |
Photocopy of five handwritten pages, each photocopy is attached to a large page with comments by AMH and ECRH. The handwritten pages are |
no ref. |
I.C.68 |
Two typed pages (with a few corrections by hand) entitled: Programmes of Charles Williams Lectures METAPHYSICAL TRADITION IN ENGLISH LITERATURE FIRST TERM plus a carbon copy of the typed pages with the corrections. |
no ref. |
I.C.69 |
Two typed pages (with a few corrections by hand) entitled: PROGRAMMES OF CHARLES WILLIAMS’ LECTURE |
no ref. |
I.D |
reviews by CW |
I.D.111-115 |
Five book reviews in G. K.’s Weekly, 23 [March 5 – June 18, 1936] |
I.D.111-115 |
I.D.152 |
Two pages from Time & Tide, 18 March 1939, with CW’s review of Rejoice in the Lamb, Christopher Smart . |
I.D.152 |
I.D.208 |
Page from Time & Tide, 1 Nov. 1941, with CW’s review of Michael Drayton and His Circle, Bernard H. |
I.D.208 |
I.D.209 |
Page from Time & Tide, 6 Dec. 1941, with CW’s review of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Vincent |
I.D.209 |
I.D.216/a-c |
Two pages from Time & Tide, 21 March 1942, with ‘Letters in Hell’, CW’s review of The Screwtape Letters by I.D.216/b
One page photocopy with some marginalia, of ‘Letters in Hell’, review by CW in Time & Tide Anthology (Andre Deutsch, London, I.D.216/c One typed page, an edited copy of CW’s review of C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters |
I.D.216 |
I.D.252 |
Review by CW of The Fortunes of Falstaff by J.D. Wilson, Time and Tide, vol.24, no. 43 (23 Oct. 1943). With note from the |
I.D. 252 |
I.D.260 |
Review by CW of The English Bible, Sir Herbert Grierson and The Bible: Its Letter and Spirit, W. C. Dick; clipping from Time and Tide, 6 May 1944. |
I.D.260 |
I.D.280 |
Review by C.W. of Beyond Personality, C. S. Lewis and Light of Christ; clipping from Time and Tide, 16 June |
I.D.280 |
I.D.284 |
An anonymous historical essay on Spanish Art, twenty-two pages handwritten and on each page some interlinear pencilled notes by another |
no ref. |
I.E |
edited works by CW |
I.E.1 |
Photocopy of the entire original edition of Poems of Home and Overseas compiled by Charles Williams, Oxford, 1921, 160 |
I.E.1 |
I.E.6/a-b |
I.E.6a A two page photocopy of a review by “K.C.M.†of The New Book of English Verse. edited by Charles Williams from G.K.’s Weekly, Jan. 30, 1936, pp. 303-304. Duplicate copy as well. [See II.C.i/8a for another copy.] I.E.6b Handwritten note (AMH’s?) about CW’s initial choice for the title of The New Book of English Verse. |
I.E.6 |
I.F |
correspondence of CW |
I.F.i/a-g |
I.F.i/a List (3 pages) of letters from CW to DLS (Dorothy L. Sayers), Aug 1943—Dec 1944. I.F.i/b
I.F.i/c Seven pages of notes by AMH on correspondence between CW and DLS in 1944 and 1945 I.F.i/d Letter of AMH to James Brabazon, dated 19 Jan 1977, regarding correspondence I.F.i/e Newspaper cutting from the Financial Times, 25 July 1981, review of book by James Brabazon, Dorothy L. Sayers: The Life of a Courageous Woman. I.F.i/f
T I.F.i/g Three slips with AMH’s notes re her work on DLS’s letters. |
no ref |
I.F.ii |
Twenty-two pages of photocopies of letters from CW to Ruth Spalding dating from 23 Feb. 1939 to 4 June 1945 plus an undated letter from C. W. Society NOT [doubly underlined ] to be used without Ruth Spalding’s permission. ECRH |
no ref. |
I.F.iii |
Seven letters (originals) from CW to Brother George Every S.S.M, dating from 3 Feb. 1939 to15 March 1944 |
no ref. |
I.F.iv |
Notes (3 pages) by AMH from CW’s letters to Phyllis Jones, concerning Heroes and Kings (for latter see I.A.i.5). According to |
no ref. |
I.F.v |
Two small sheets in AMH’s handwriting (?) giving extracts from certain letters of CW and Fred Page to Alice Meynell in 1913 & 1916 on I.F.v/2 A two page typescript of an extract from an undated letter by CW to his aunt about his first interview with Alice Meynell. |
no ref. | |
Contents of file with label written by ECRH “Mainly copies of internal papers from the Clarendon Press and OUP concerning
Pamphlet giving short history of OUP; letter from Sir John Brown to AMH dated 21 Feb 1980 stating the OUP had no records regarding CW’s
Photocopies (forty-four pages) of internal correspondence at the OUP/Clarendon Press between CW, VHC [Vere Henry Collins] and others; dated |
no ref. |
I.F.vii |
Photocopy of a letter from CW to T.S. Eliot dated 3 July 1944 |
no ref. |
I.F.viii |
Twenty seven letters, each stapled to a larger sheet at the top of which AMH has written the name of the person to whom the letter was |
no ref. |
I.F.ix |
A collection of forty-eight letters, several of them multi-page. Each letter is stapled to a larger sheet at the top of which AMH has |
no ref. |
I.F.x |
One small letter handwritten with enclosure. The letter is dated 2 May 1940, the location is stated to be Southfield House and at the |
no ref. |
Letter and envelope addressed to Miss J. Sedgwick, dated 26 Jan. 1929. The three page, handwritten letter with inside address Amen House is I.F.xi/b A typed transcription of the above letter and of the handwritten note on the envelope. |
no ref. |
I.F.xii |
Five small pages each a handwritten letter with ‘Southfield House’ written above the date. The dates are: 1941, May 20, 21, June 20, 21, |
no ref. |
I.F.xiii/a-f |
Photocopies of four typed letters from CW to Victor Gollancz. I.F.xiii/a One page letter dated 18 June 1930 with an attached typed sheet of CW’s suggested alterations to Shadows of Ecstasy. I.F.xiii/b One page letter dated 24 July 1930 enclosing a copy of a letter from Sir Basil P Blackett praising War in Heaven. I.F.xiii/c One page letter dated 19 Feb. 1932 referring to Shadows of Ecstasy; with an immediate and brief reply from Gollancz to CW. I.F.xiii/d
One page letter dated 13 July 1932 expressing appreciation for publishing his books and for introducing him to Francis Stewart and his I.F.xiii/e
Two page letter dated 28 July 1932 with remarks about a recent work. A pencilled note (by AMH?) suggests it was Shadows of Ecstasy I.F.xiii/f A half-page letter dated 31 Aug. 1932 telling of a proposal that he should write a book on Francis Bacon. |
no ref. |
I.F.xiv/a-c |
I.F.xiv/a A one page undated letter from Wilfrid Meynell to CW. I.F.xiv/b Two single page letters from Alice Meynell to CW, one dated Jan. 7 the other Feb. 9, no year given. I.F.xiv/c A two page letter from Alice Meynell to CW dated Feb. 4 no year given. |
no ref. |
I.F.xv/a-c |
I.F.xv/a Photocopy of a typed two page letter dated 15 April 1930 from CW to G. K. Chesterton I.F.xv/b Photocopy of a typed two page letter dated 6 Nov. 1936 from CW to Mrs. G. K. Chesterton. I.F.xv/c A one page typed letter dated 30 July 1940 serving as a recommendation for a ‘Mrs. Miller’, an employee of the OUP. |
no ref. |
I.G |
bibliography of CW |
I.G.1 |
Twelve typed pages comprising a Bibliography of CW. At the bottom of the last page there is: ‘Completed to 31 December 1950’, The compiler |
no ref. |
I.H |
miscellany of CW |
I.H.1/a-d |
Thirteen handwritten pages clipped together that seem to be part of a commonplace book. The entries are evenly spaced, some being lines of 1.H.1/b
Three small sheets in CW.’s handwriting, undated and with no address or salutation, but it seems to be a note intended to a student. It I.H.1/c A single slightly smaller sheet also in CW’s hand , and beginning also with ‘Herewith’ I.H.1/d
A very small slip with eight handwritten lines of one side beginning: ‘The King’s Arms is in Oxford’. On the reverse side there are six |
no ref. |
II.A |
personal recollections of CW |
II.A.1 |
Two small typed pages dated Jan. 1983 and signed M. Joyce Taylor giving her recollections of CW in London in the 1930’s. |
no ref. |
II.A.2 |
Four handwritten sheets, undated and the writer unidentified. It is titled: ’Charles Williams, writer: C. S. Lewis’ “friend of friendsâ€â€™. |
no ref. |
II.A.3 |
Two photocopies of an article, ‘As I Remember Charles Williams’ by Michal Williams with an introduction by Chad Walsh in Episcopal Churchnews 12 April 1953. |
II.B.171 |
II.A.4 |
Nine long handwritten sheets describing the writer’s acquaintance with CW since 1898. Another hand (AMH’s?) has written above the first |
no ref. |
II.B |
studies about CW [monographs & shorter studies] |
II.B.3 |
Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse |
II.B.3 |
II.B.8 |
‘The Martyr as Dramatic Hero’ by W. H. Auden, a review article The Listener, vol. 79 no. 2023 (4 Jan. 1968) pp. 1-6, with |
II.B.8 |
II.B.14 |
’Charles Williams: Lay Theologian’ by Robert McAfee Brown, Theology Today, vol. 10, no. 2 (July, 1953) pp. 212-229, a gift of Anne |
II.B.14 |
II.B.16 |
‘Love and Rejection in Charles Williams’ |
II.B.16 |
II.B.19 |
A copy of ‘The Way of Affirmation: A Study of the Writings of Charles Williams’, by Glen Cavaliero, in Church Quarterly Review Jan.-March, 1956, pp. 19-28. |
II.B.19 |
II.B. 32 |
Ten page photocopy of ‘A Checklist of Reviews by Charles Williams’, by Lawrence R. Dawson, Jr., in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, vol. 35, no. 2 ( April-June 1961) pp. 100-117. |
II.B.32 |
II.B.37 |
The Listener II.B.37/b
Photocopy of ‘The Significance of Charles Williams’ by T.S. Eliot in The Listener, 19 Dec. 1946, pp. 894-895, three copies (one |
II.B.37 |
II.B.47 |
Photocopy of part of ‘Many Dimensions: The Images of Charles Williams’ in Books with Men behind Them by Edmund Fuller, here pp. |
II.B.47 |
II/B.61 |
Photocopy of ‘Coinherence, Substitution and Exchange in Charles Williams’ Poetry and Poetry-Making’, by AMH, twenty-one pages followed by ‘ |
II/B.61 |
II.B.78 |
Reprint of an article, ‘Charles Williams, Novelist and Prophet’ by Charles A. Huttar, with the author’s signature and expression of |
II.B.78 |
II.B.83 |
‘The Arthurian Legend – A Study of the Posthumous Fragments by Charles Williams’, by David Jones in The Tablet, 25 Dec. 1948. pp. |
II.B.83 |
II.B.105 |
brotéria cultura e informação, |
II.B.105 |
II.B.116 |
Two copies of four pages of a supplement to THE PERIODICAL; following an introduction by Frederick Page there are three pages of |
II.B.116 |
II.B.150 |
Photocopy of ‘Charles Williams: A Novelist’s Pilgrimage’ by Patricia Meyer Spacks, in Religion in Life, vol. 29, no. 2 (Spring |
II.B.150 |
II.B.152/a-b |
II.B.152/a Photocopy of ‘Charles Williams’ Judgement at Chelmsford: A Study in the Aesthetic of Sacramental Time’ by William V. Spanos in Christian Scholar, vol. 45, no. 2 (Summer, 1962) pp.107-117. II.B.152/b A reprint of Judgement at Chelmsford: A Study in the Aesthetic of Sacramental Time signed by W. V. Spanos and addressed to AMH |
II.B.152 |
II.B.153/a-b |
Photocopy of ‘Charles Williams’ Seed of Adam: The Existential Flight from Death’ in The Christian Scholar, vol. 49 II.B.153/b A handwritten note dated19 Jan. 1967 from W. V. Spanos to AMH re the above article and his use of AMH’s book. |
II.B.153 |
II.B.161 |
Two off prints of ‘Charles Williams’ by Georgette Versinger from Études Anglaises, vol. 18 (July-Sept. 1965) pp. 285-295. Both |
II.B.161 |
II.B.181/a-d |
Contents of a file with a covering note by ECRH dated June 1989 stating, ‘Seemingly article by Alice Mary, together with her notes’. II.B.181/a
Twenty-eight typed pages with a covering page with the title, ‘THE POETRY OF CHARLES WILLIAMS’. At the bottom of the page, there was II.B.181/b
Letter dated 19 Nov 1948 from AMH to J.W. McFarlane at BBC about her proposed programme talk on CW’s poetry; acknowledgement of receipt II.B.181/c Twenty-eight page photocopy of ‘THE POETRY OF CHARLES WILLIAMS’ with no markings on the photocopy. II.B.181/d 1) A typed letter dated 28 April 1949 addressed to AMH, signed by M. Belgion. 2) A half-sheet with a handwritten note from CMH dated 9.1.91 to Joan Wallis. |
no ref. |
II.B.182 |
Four page photocopy of the entry for CW in The Arthurian Encyclopaedia. |
no ref. |
II.B.183 |
Clipping from Church Times, 26 Sept 1986,p. 13: Letter by Mrs. Eileen Mable to the Church Times concerning an article on |
no ref |
II.B.184 |
An article “Dante, il ‘dolce stil novo’ e I Rosacroce (Charles Williams)†in Ritratti di ieri e di oggi by Giorgio Spina (Genoa, |
no ref. |
II.B.185 |
Telegraph |
no ref. |
II.B.186 |
A clipping from TLS, 27 July 2008 that contains a letter from Dr. Brian Horne rebutting a comment of Rowan Williams about CW and |
no ref |
II.B.187 |
Fourteen typed pages titled ‘The Role of the Slaves in Charles Williams’ Poetry’ with handwritten corrections and marginal notes. No |
no ref. |
II.B.188 |
Two page photocopy of ‘Evil versus Good – The Works of Fiction of Charles Williams’ by the Rev. F. Albert Frost, in The Living Church, 13 May 1951. |
no ref. |
II.B.189 |
Photocopy of ‘Two for the Naked Mind’ by Edward T. Dell, Jr. in The Episcopalian, August, 1965 |
no ref. |
II.B.190 |
The Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams |
no ref. |
II.B.191 |
Photocopy of ‘Mysteries Great and Small’ by John G. Mellin in Christian Scholar, vol. 43, no. 1, March 1960, pp. 46-53 |
no ref. |
II.B.192 |
Photocopy of ‘A Poet in Oxford’ by Frederic Vanson in Bucks, Berks, Oxon Life, Thanes Valley Countryside vol. 11, no.52, Dec. |
no ref. |
II.B.193 |
Three typed pages, an extract from Studies of Type-Images in Poetry, Religion and Philosophy by Maud Bodkin (OUP, 1951) pp.139-152 |
no ref. |
II.B.194 |
Twelve handwritten pages on six leaves of lined notebook paper titled ‘The Background of Thought to the Taliessin Poems’. Neither the |
no ref. |
II.B.195/a-b |
II.B.195/a Photostats of portions of pp. 97-99 of Saraband by E. L. Mascall in which CW is discussed, especially his lecture on Comus. II.B.195/b A handwritten slip with a quotation from Saraband by E.L. Mascall regarding CW and T.S. Eliot |
no ref. |
II.B.196 |
‘Christianity and Poetry’, a clipping from The Times Literary Supplement, 1 July 1965, author unnamed. |
no ref. |
II.B.197 |
‘Romantic Love and the Adolescent’ by Nell Jenkins, two newspaper clippings from The Guardian, Nov. 16 & 23, 1945, with a |
no ref. |
II.B.198 |
‘Images of Satan’ Part Two by Colin Duriez, CWN Series, 16 Oct 1981 ‘Occult: Where Satanic influence is seen’ by Colin Duriez, with a quotation from CW’s Witchcraft, a clipping in two pieces from CWN Series, 23 Oct. 1981. |
no ref. |
II.B.199 |
‘Charles Williams and the Occult’, a fifteen page printed pamphlet the text of a paper given by Martin Moynihan to the Oxford C. S. Lewis |
no ref. |
II.B.200 |
‘Charles Williams and the Occult, The Triune and the Biune; the Circle and the Rose.’ a fifteen page printed pamphlet, a paper given at the |
no ref. |
II.B.201 |
‘The World of Arthur and the Grail in the Work of Charles Williams’, a fifty-six page photocopy of an anonymous and undated scholarly |
no ref. |
II.B.202 |
‘From Logres to Carbonek: The Arthuriad of Charles Williams’ by Karl Heinz Göller. A photocopy of the fifty-three page article which, a |
no ref. |
II.B.203 |
‘When Fact Meets Fantasy’ in Church Times, 27 Aug. 1982, a two page photocopy of an article by C. S. Lewis on CW’s novels. |
no ref. |
II.B.204 |
Two copies of Theology , vol. 79, no. 668 (March 1976) containing ‘In the City and Under the Mercy’ by Raymond Hockley, pp. |
no. ref. |
II.B.205 |
The Literary Digest |
no ref. |
II.B.206 |
A Mesh of Chords: Sprache und Stil in der Artusdichtung Charles Williams |
no ref. |
II.B.207 |
Photocopy of ‘The Books of Charles Williams’, The Book & Magazine Collector, March 1991, pp. 56-63, by John Withrington. |
no.ref. |
II.B.208/a-d |
Two papers by Prof. John Hibbs with cover letter from him. II.B.208/a A one page typed letter dated 9 Nov. 1992 from Prof. John Hibbs to Dr. Brian Horne re enclosed letters listed below, II.B.208/b
Photocopy of ‘Charles Williams and Current Economic Thought’, an eleven page typed paper presented by Prof. John Hibbs to the CW Society on II.B.208/c
Photocopy of ‘Forsyth, Hayek and the Remoralization of Society, or Church, Life and Economics’ a ten page paper presented by Prof. John II.B.208/d Photocopy of a printed four page article, ’Charles Williams (1886-1945) and Current Economic Thought’ by John Hibbs. [This item was not with the other two papers and cover letter.] |
no ref. |
II.B.209 |
Clipping from The Times, dated 24 May 1975 titled ‘The poet who turned to Kierkegaard for a way of life’ by Craig Raine. Primarily |
no ref. |
II.B.210/a-b |
II.B.210/a Review of AMHX by Renée Haynes in The Tablet, 23 June 1984, pp. 3-4. II.B.210/b ‘Poet of Logres’, clipping from Church Times, 6 Apr. 1984, a review by Norman Nicholson of CHARLES WILLIAMS: An Exploration of His Life and Work, Alice Mary Hadfield. two copies |
no ref. |
II.B.211/a-b |
II.B.211/a Photocopy of ‘Charles Williams as Natural and Preternatural’, an eight page review of AMHX by Stephen Medcalf in an unnamed journal. II.B.211/b ‘The wizard of Oxford’ by William Bouverie, a review of AMHX in The Sunday Times, Feb. 1984 date not given, a photocopy. |
no. ref. |
II.B.212/a-b |
II.B.212/a Twelve copies of an announcement of the publication of Charles Williams: A celebration ed. Brian Horne II.B.212/b
Page 16 of Church Times, 8 March 1996 with a note, ‘Poet Primer’, a review of Charles Williams: A celebration, ed. Brian |
II.B.213 |
Two photocopies of ‘Hooked on the Williams way with words’, column by A. N. Wilson in The Daily Telegraph. 8 Dec. 2003, p. 23. |
no ref. |
II.B.214 |
Photocopy of ‘A Poet and Mentor with a Penchant for Magic’ by David Llewelyn Dodds, a one page article in Church Times, 12 April |
no ref. |
II.B.215/a,b |
II.B.215/a Photocopy of the Introduction to an Italian translation (La Vigilia di Ognissanti) by Giorgio Spina of All Hallows Eve. II.B.215/b The envelope addressed to R. H. Wallis from Giorigo Spina with handwritten description of the items sent to Wallis by Spina |
no ref. |
II.B.216 |
Clipping from The Catholic Herald, Jan. 1993, an article on CW by Jan Szadkowski titled, ‘A Pattern of Glory’. |
II.B.217 |
Clipping from an unnamed newspaper of unknown date , a review by Renée Haynes of Charles Williams: Poet of Theology by Glen |
no ref. |
II.B.218 |
Four typed pages titled, ‘Charles Williams’, a lecture given by Canon Michael Stancliffe, Westminster Abbey, 24 March 1965; and a photocopy |
no ref. |
II.B.219 |
A typed paper of seventeen pages by Betty Wheeler titled ‘Descent into Hell: The Nature of the Abyss in the Writing of Charles Williams and |
no ref. |
II.B.220 |
Photocopy of, ‘Byzantium and the Matter of Britain: the Narrative Framework of Charles Williams’s Later Arthurian Poems’, by Jan Curtis in Quondam et Futurus: A Journal of Arthurian Interpretations, vol. 2 no. 1 (Spring 1992) |
no ref. |
II.B.221 |
Photocopy of, ‘Charles Williams’s ‘The Sister of Percivale’: ‘Towards a Theology of Theotokos’, by Jan Curtis in Quondam et Futurus: A Journal of Arthurian Interpretations, vol. 2 no. 4 (Winter 1992) |
no ref. |
II.B.222/a A typed copy of the paper a photocopy of which is II.B.221 II.B.222/b Exchange of letters between Jan Curtis and Gillian Lunn on 24 Aug. 1995 and 15 Sept. 1995. |
no ref. |
II.B.223 |
A section, pp. 17-24, of the Rheinischer Merkur / Christ und Welt, 7 Nov. 1986 with an article on p. 20 ‘Der Gral in der Gisbert Kranz. |
no ref. |
II.B.224/a-b |
II.B.224/a One typed sheet with the programme of the Internationales Charles William Symposium, at Wolfsburg, 6-8 Nov. 1986. II.B.224/b Eight typed abstracts of papers given at the symposium. |
no ref. |
II.B.225 |
‘The Early Poetry of Charles Williams (1886-1945)’, by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald, thirty-seven typed pages (photocopy) with notes. |
no ref. |
II.B.226 |
‘The Supernatural Thrillers of Charles Williams’, by Tim Robinson. photocopy of an article in London Magazine, vol. 33 no. 1&2 |
no ref. |
II.B.227 |
Photocopy of ‘The Commonplace Book: Charles Williams’s Early Approach to the Arthurian Poetry’ by Georgette Versinger in Vol. 22.3 (Winter |
no ref. |
II.B.228 |
‘A poet of Ideas’, clipping from Church Times, 6 May 1983, a review by Norman Nicholson of Charles Williams: Poet of Theology, Glen Cavaliero. |
no ref. |
II.B.229 |
‘Visionary Land’, clipping from Church Times, 26 Aug. 1983, a review by Norman Nicholson of The Novels of Charles Williams, Thomas T. Howard. |
no ref. |
II.B.230 |
Reviews of Gavin Ashenden’s Charles Williams: Alchemy and integration, II.B.230/a Review by Rowan Williams from TLS 20 June 2008, two copies (one a photocopy of review; one a complete issue of TLS). II.B.230/b Review by Glen Cavaliero, The Chronicle of The Oxford University C.S. Lewis Society, vol. 5, no. 2 (May 2008) pp. 46-51. |
no ref. |
II.B.231/a,b |
Frater Qui Sitit Veniat: Charles Williams and the Secret Tradition II.B.231/b
Two copies of a typed letter dated 11 May 2000 from Brian Horne to Edward Gauntlett acknowledging receipt of the above paper and with a few |
no ref. |
II.B.232 |
An article, ‘Charles Williams: il fascino del mistero’ by Giorgio Spina, in Autori liguri, vol. 6, no. 31 (Nov. 2004) pp. 39-41. |
no ref. |
II.B.233 |
‘A Confluence of Pagan-Celtic and Christian Traditions in Charles Williams’s “Bors to Elayne: The Fish of Broceliandeâ€â€™ by Jan Curtis Ph.D. |
no ref. |
II.B.234/a-b |
A hand written letter dated 1 Sept. 1997 from Suzanne Bray to Brian Horne concerning the draft of an article that was suggested by Dr. II.B.234/b
Seventeen typed pages comprising the article mentioned above titled ‘Disseminating Glory: Echoes of Charles Williams in the Works of T. S. |
II.B.235 |
Charles Williams, A Critical Essay |
no ref. |
II.C |
reviews of CW’s works |
II.C.i/7 |
‘A Scholar’s Poems’ clipping from an undated copy of the TLS, a review by John Pellow of Windows of Night, gift of John |
II.C.i/7 |
II.C.i/8a-b |
G.K.’S WEEKLY, A Sampler, ed. by Lyle W. Dorsett pp, 137-8 [bottom of page], ‘A New Volume of Poems by Mr. Charles Williams’, rev. by ‘J.S.P’ of Windows of Night. pp. 505-6 [bottom of page], The New Book of English Verse, ed. by CW, rev. by ‘K.C.M.’ pp. 539-40 bottom of page], ‘Letters to Peter—V’ by Charles Williams. II.C.i/8a Photocopy of pp 387-8 of G.K.’s Weekly 26 Dec 1925., ‘A New Volume of Poems by Mr. Charles Williams’, rev. by ‘J.S.P’ of Windows of Night. |
no ref. |
II.C.ii |
A torn newspaper clipping from The Daily Telegraph, 1 Apr. 1930, ‘In Line with the Great Tradition’ a review by John Drinkwater of |
II.C.ii |
II.C.iii/7 |
Photocopy of a review by Charles Weir, Jr. of War in Heaven in The New York Times, 9 Oct. 1949. |
no ref. |
II.C.iv/3-4 |
II.C.iv/3 Photocopy of a review by Richard McLaughlin of Many Dimensions in The Saturday Review of Literature, 17 Feb. 1949 II.C.iv/4 Photocopy of a review by Dorothy L. Sayers of Many Dimensions in New York Times Books, 21 August 1949 |
II.C.iv/3 II.C.iv/4 |
II.C.v/7-10 |
II.C.v/7 Photocopy of a review by Sylvia Stallings of The Place of the Lion in New York Herald Tribune Book Review, 11 March 1951 II.C.v/8 Photocopy of a review by Chad Walsh of The Place of the Lion in The New York Times Book Review, 11 March 1951. II.C.v/9
Clipping from The Observer, 27 Sept. 1931. A review of The Place of the Lion, reviewer not named, but a handwritten II.C.v/10
Clipping from The Observer, 4 Oct. 1931. In the column ‘Letters to the Editor’, there is one titled ‘The Place of the Lion’ |
II.C.v/7 II.C.v/8 |
II.C.viii/5 |
Photocopy of a review by Chad Walsh of The Greater Trumps in The New York Times, 9 April1950. |
II.C.viii/5 |
II.C.ix/3 |
Photocopy of a review by Richard McLaughlin of Shadows of Ecstasy in The Saturday Review of Literature, 23 Sept. |
II.C.ix/3 |
II.C.xi/15 |
One page taken from The Cresset, date unknown, containing a review of CW’s Reason and Beauty in the Poetic Mind. The |
no ref. |
II.C.xii/2 |
Photocopy of a review by Robert Pearsall of James the First in New York Herald Book Review, 12 April 1953. |
II.C.xii/2 |
II.C.xvi/1-4 |
II.C.xvi/1 Photocopy of a review by Nash K. Burger of Descent into Hell in The New York Times, 21 March 1949. II.C.xvi/2 Photocopy of a review by Constantine Fitzgibbon of Descent into Hell in The New York Times, 27 March 1949. II.C.xvi/3 Newspaper clipping of a review by Edwin Muir of Descent into Hell in an unknown newspaper in 1949 II.C.xvi/4 Newspaper clipping of an anonymous review of Descent into Hell in Daily Telegraph of 24 Sept. 1937 |
II.C.xvi/1 no ref. no ref. |
II.C.xvii/3 |
‘A Sacred Poem’, an essay by C. S. Lewis on Taliessin Through Logres published in Theology. April 1939, pp. 268-276. |
[not listed at II.C.xvii, p.97] |
II.C.xviii/1 Two pages of The New Statesman and Nation, 9 Dec. 1939 containing an article, ‘A Lay Theologian’, review by T.S. Eliot of CW’s The Descent ot the Dove; also a photocopy of the same. II.C.xviii/5
Photocopy of “The Power of Divinity†, a review by George R. Stephenson of The Descent of the Dove in The New York Times, |
II.C.xviii no ref |
II.C.xix/1-2 |
II.C.xix/1 Photocopy of ‘A Modern Poet on Dante’, an anonymous review of Figure of Beatrice in Church Times, 3 Sept. 1943. II.C.xix/2 Photocopy of ‘Martha Wanting to be Marys’ by John Pridmore, an article in Church Times, 13 Oct. 2006 on CW’s Figure of Beatrice. |
II.C.xix |
II.C.xx |
II.C.xx/2 Photocopy of a review by Alfred Kreymborg in The New York Times, 22 July 1951 of The Region of The Summer Stars II.C.xx/5
A four-page typescript of a review of The Region of the Summer Stars. The reviewer is unnamed, but on the four pages there are a |
II.C.xx/2 no ref |
II.C.xxiii |
A newspaper review of Arthurian Torso by unnamed reviewer in unnamed newspaper. |
II.C.xxiii |
II.C.xxiv |
A review of The Image of the City by unnamed reviewer in The Times, 6 Nov. 1958. |
II.C.xxiv |
II.C.xxv |
Two handwritten pages of extracts of reviews of the prose play ‘The Terror of Light’. A covering note by ECRH dated June 1989 and titled |
no ref. |
II.C.xxvi |
A clipping from an unnamed and undated newspaper of an anonymous review of He Came Down from Heaven. |
no ref. |
II.C.xxvii |
‘Magic Touch’, page from Church Times, 14 May 1982, a review by Iain MacKenzie of Witchcraft |
no ref. |
II.C.xxviii |
The TLS, 2 April 2004 [entire issue], p. 21 ‘The third man’ a review by Grevel Lindop of The Detective Fiction Reviews of Charles Williams, 1930-1935 and All Hallows’ Eve. |
no ref. |
II.C.xxix/ a-b |
II.C.xxix/a Clipping from an undated copy of New Highway, a review by J. D. C. Pellow of Divorce by CW, gift of John Pellow. II.C.xxix/b
Clipping from an undated copy of the TLS, a review of Divorce by CW, gift of John Pellow; the envelope that contained the |
no ref. |
II.D |
the Inklings |
II.D.i/1-8 |
b: II.D.i/2
Inklings-Gesellschaft für Literatur und Ästhetik Rundbrief Nr. 15 (April 1987) Rundbrief Nr. 32 (October 1993) Rundbrief Nr. 52 (February 2005) Rundbrief Nr. 55 (April 2009) II.D.i/3 Newspaper clipping of review by John Ezard (19 Oct 1978) of The Inklings by Humphrey Carpenter. II.D.i/4
Newspaper clipping of review by Mary Warnock (22 Oct 1978) in The Sunday Telegraph [with annotations] of The Inklings by II.D.i/5 Photocopy of an anonymous letter sent to The Editor of The New Statesman (2 Nov. 1978) regarding Kingsley Amis’ review of The Inklings by Humphrey Carpenter. II.D.i/6 Inkling Melodies: A Double Checklist of Joe R. Christopher’s Chapbooks and Verses Related to the Inklings and Their Writings. II.D.i/7 Offprint of ‘Die Oxforder Inklings-Autoren’ by Von Gisbert Kranz, Communio, vol.15. no. 86, pp.70-78. |
no ref. |
II.E |
working notes of AMH |
II.E.i/1-10 |
The contents of a file with a note [filed with item 1] written in June 1989 by ECRH stating, “ AM’s [Alice Mary’s?] working notes on the subject of the Arthurian Themeâ€. The notes are grouped as follows: II.E.i/1 Ten pages placed in an envelope on which is written in ink in the hand of AMH, “Notes made by me for C.W. for The Figure of Arthur†and above in pencil “Not for the Bodleian. Keep†Each page is headed “ The Figure of Arthur in English Literatureâ€
In addition, two slips of paper with a covering note (dated June 1989, signed ECRH) describing contents as “AMH’s material on The Figure of II.E.i/2
Forty-six pages all in the hand of AMH with a covering slip explaining that it is an ‘Index to the themes, names etc. in collected II.E.i/3 Thirteen pages of notes on the poetry of C.W. and a card to AMH II.E.i/4 Fifteen pages of poetry with the heading ‘Century of Poems for Celia (different collection from Century)’ [cf. AMHX, p. 60]. II.E.i/5 Fourteen pages of poetry each with the heading ‘To Michal’ or alternately ‘To Dianeme’ [cf. AMHX, p. 75]. II.E.i/6 Twenty-eight pages of ‘Contemporary interpretation of general theme’. II.E.i/7
C II.E.i/8 Two carbon-copies of a typewritten ‘Synopsis of a book for students of Charles Williams’ poetry, with reference also to his prose works’. ——-[second folder] II.E.i/9
Eighty-two numbered pages of handwritten notes (by AMH?). Each of the pages 1- 45 and 64-82 bear the title ‘Arthurian Themes’, II.E.i/10 Twenty-one miscellaneous notes on various topics; all of the handwriting seems to be that of AMH. |
no ref. |
Eight slips, including a note dated June 1989 by ECRH suggesting the contents of the file to be:
‘AMH’s notes on The Figure of Beatrice including her transcripts of notes made by C. S. Lewis in his copy of the book. Also ref. in a |
no ref. |
II.E.iii |
Fourteen slips including a note titled ‘The Silver Stair’, dated June 1989 by ECRH describing the file’s contents as: AMH’s detailed notes |
no ref. |
II.E.iv |
Fourteen pages of notes made by AMH(?) from C.S. Lewis’s copy of Taliessin Through Logres; a carbon copy of a letter from AMH to Father |
no ref. |
II.E.v/1-8 |
Contents of a file with a covering note dated March ’90 and signed ECRH stating: ‘Misc. unpublished material of CW’s. The collection II.E.v/1
Two copies of a cartoon of CW climbing stairs above a poem titled ‘The Rite of the Stairs’, one on heavy cardboard; the other on a leaf of Photocopy of the same caricature of CW climbing stairs above a poem titled ‘The Rite of the Stairs’. II.E.v/2
Two typed pages titled ‘Charles Williams. COLLECTS ‘. At the top AMH has written in ink, ‘Corrected typescript corrected by Raymond Hunt II.E.v/3 A singled typed page listing ‘Un-published poems of CW’ with designations J.1 through J.10.
Seven typed pages of poetry, four of which are carbon copies the first three being marked J.1, J.2, J.4 and with annotations by AMH, the A torn half page with this written in ink: ‘Unpub. Verse from letters———-To AMH. 20/ix/4/ p. 6’. A typed poem (and a carbon copy) labelled ‘In letter to Joan Wallis 9 Sept 1943’ with notations. Two typed pages of poetry taken from letters which are identified. Four typed pages, a transcription of a letter from CW to Thelma Shuttleworth, 24 Oct. 1929 with notes by AMH. Single sheet, handwritten, labelled ‘C.W’s Poems in Private Letters’. II.E.v/4
Photocopies (attached to two larger pages) of two letters with AMH’s notes on the letters’ contents; both letters are from CW, the first to II.E.v/5
A handwritten page by AMH of extracts of a letter from CW to Anne Ridler dated 6 Oct ’39; a typed page containing the extracts in the
Four typed pages with portions of letters from CW the first one dated 7 Sept 1939, is to Dr. Walter Lowrie described as ‘An author on the II.E.v/6 Photocopies of four pages, a letter from CW to AMH, now clipped to a larger sheet with notations by AMH.
Fourteen typed pages or partial pages containing portions of letters from CW. Above each extract there is typed the date of the letter II.E.v/7 Two handwritten items concerning AMH’s notes on Flecker and the note attached to the original file. II.E.v/8
Small clipping of advertisement in TLS 18 Nov 1977, with a note in AMH’s hand suggesting that it provided a possible source of CW’s early |
no ref. | | A typed single page letter [with enclosed pages] dated 4 Sept. 1985 from AMH to Brian Horne asking for his assistance in editing CW’s Outline of Romantic Theology. Twelve photocopies of pages which AMH edited and for which AMH asked Brian Horne’s assistance. |
no ref. |
II.F |
working notes of others |
II.F.i/1-2 |
Contents of a file with a note (here included with first item) undated but signed ECRH. II.F.i/1
Covering note and four pages each with the title ‘The Chaste Wanton’ and containing remarks by various persons about the play of II.F.i/2 Two pages of a photocopy. On page 1 is the statement: ‘Lines not included in printed version of The Chaste Wanton’. |
cf. I.A.iii.4 |
II.G |
cartoons / sketches / photographs of CW [see also II.E.v/1 and VIII.F/1-5] |
II.G.i/1-2 |
Photocopies of six sketches of CW by Anne Spalding. Each sketch has a numeral written in the lower left corner; there are two copies of no. II.G.i/2 There is also a letter from Eileen Mable to Brenda Tee dated 24 May 1999 concerning her order of them. |
no ref. |
II.G.ii/1,2 |
II.G.ii/1 Original drawing of CW at 9 Parks Road, Oxford by Anne Spalding, the property of the CW Society. I.G.ii/2 A copy of same, on thick board, of CW at 9 Parks Road, Oxford by Anne Spalding |
no ref. |
II.G.iii |
II.G.iii Undated photograph of CW |
no ref. |
Framed photograph (signed by photographer) on the back of which there is a label reading: ‘Photo of Mr. [?] Charles Williams from Miss II.G.iv/b One photograph of CW, outdoors, writing on pad of paper. Undated, unsigned. Location unknown. Smaller professional photograph, with CW’s signature below II.G.iv/c transparency made of the smaller photograph in II.G.iv/b, the portrait photograph of CW; 8.5 x 11 in. II.G.iv/d A print of the above (II.G.iv/c) II.G.iv/e Undated photo of CW taken out-of-doors. |
no ref. |
II.G.v |
Three photocopies of a drawing of a map of Europe on which a recumbent human figure is superimposed, used as the endpaper of the original See VII.H for the original artwork of the map. |
AMHX 150 | |
Seven original sketches by Anne Spalding. The subject and date of each are: Sarah Johnson, 1942; John Spalding, 1942; Gerry Hopkins, 1943; Barbara Ward, 1943; Ruth Spalding, 1944; Beekie Hill, 1944; unnamed dog, 1942 |
no ref. |
II.G.vii |
Two pencil sketches, source and artist unnamed. The envelope [now destroyed] containing them was addressed to AMH and ‘my property’ was |
no ref. |
II.G.viii |
Ten slides described on an accompanying sheet as follows: 1. CW as baby (c.1887); 2. At 3 Spencer [now Caedmon] Road, Holloway; 3. CW with grandparents; 4. Family in the garden at 36 Victoria Street; 5. Edith in garden; 6. Young CW (early 20?); 7. CW with baby Michael; 8. same; 9. CW and Michal on Bench; 10. CW and Michal at Wells Cathedral c. 1920. |
no ref. |
proposed TV programme for Channel 4 |
III.A.i/1-3 |
Photocopy of hand-written letter dated 10 Mar 1984, by R. Wallis to Mr. Brabazon stating that he and Brian Horne were in discussion with III.A.i/2 One-page draft outline, annotated. III.A.i/3
Draft outline (3 pages) [possibly by James Brabazon, for material contained in an envelope [now destroyed] labelled ‘Outline by James |
no ref. |
st albans celebration |
III.B.i/1-4 |
III.B.i/1 Newspaper article from The Review (St Albans), 18 Nov 1982, titled ‘Forgotten author’s home soon to be demolished’. 2 copies III.B.i/2
Photocopy of same with handwritten note on back: ‘The Review, No. 477, Thurs. Nov. 18.1982. Published by the proprietors: SDH Publication III.B.i/3 Photocopy of letter dated 25 June 1982 concerning CWs connection with St Albans; sender not identified nor recipient. III.B.i/4
Colour photograph with this note on the back: ‘The back of Charles Williams home at 36, Victoria St. St Albans. Two negatives, one of the |
no ref. |
III.B.ii/1-2 |
III.B.ii/1 A proof of the programme of ‘A Solemn Eucharist of Thanksgiving’ held in St Alban’s Abbey, 24 May 1986. III.B.ii/1a Two printed copies of the same, with a newspaper clipping now attached (newspaper unidentified) of an obituary for CW. III.B.ii/2 Seven copies of poster announcing above event. |
no ref. |
III.B.iii/1-2 |
Hertfordshire Countryside a copy of only the article, ‘Charles Williams: author and poet’. III.B.iiii/2
Copy of a one page typed letter dated 31 Jan. 1983 from Gillian Lunn to the Editor of Hertfordshire Countryside re illustrations |
no ref. |
III.B.iv |
Hertfordshire Countryside |
no ref. |
III.B.v |
Exhibition in Central Library, St Albans, 19-31 May 1986: III.B.v/a Mounted script from the exhibition III.B.v/b
Two mounted photographs from the exhibition: 36 Victoria Street, St Albans (CW’s home from 1894-1017) and CW outside Southfields House, III.B.v/c
Four mounted photographs from the exhibition: two of a postcard of Sacre Coeur de Montmatre sent by CW to Joan Wallis on 1 Nov 1938; 3 III.B.v/d Two handwritten pages titled, ‘Scheme for Exhibition St. Albans/Islington’ plus a photograph taken of the exhibition III.B.v/e Two typed pages (photocopy) dated 23 June 1982 and titled, ‘C. W. S. Williams Books in Stock City Library, Victoria Street’. |
no ref. | |
Ceremony at fixing of commemorative blue plaque, at The Maltings, St Albans, 13 Dec 1986. Letter of invitation; announcement of ceremony; page explaining life and importance of CW 25 colour photographs taken at the unveiling of the blue plaque in St Albans (unlabelled) |
no ref. |
Bodleian exhibition |
III.C.i/1-5 |
items from an envelope (now destroyed) labelled: ‘relating to exhibition relating to works of Charles Williams (and Dorothy Sayers) at III.C.i/1 Ten note pages titled ‘Ownership of items in Charles Williams exhibition at Bodleian’. III.C.i/2 Handwritten list names and addresses to which material from exhibition should be returned. Typed list of loans from Anne Ridler. III.C.i/3 Fifteen pages of draft script, with annotations, for exhibition. III.C.i/4 Three and a half handwritten pages, a list of items taken from Reference Collection for Bodleian exhibition. III.C.i/5 Three typed pages dated 21.10.83,titled ‘Charles Williams Items sent to Bodleian Library’ and then handwritten ‘by AMH‘. |
no ref. |
III.C.ii/1-4 |
Items relating to the Bodelian Centenary Exhibition for CW III.C.ii/1 Six small posters announcing the exhibition and with a sketch of CW reading, and one photocopy of the same. III.C.ii/2 A large poster, 24â€x10â€, announcing the exhibition and with a photographic portrait as well as a brief summary of his life and works. III.C.ii/3 Two sheets (carbon copy) with five unconnected typed paragraphs, possibly drafts of captions for items in the exhibition. III.C.ii/4 A typed letter dated 30 April 1986 to Anne Scott from Livia Gollancz re the display of letters in the Bodleian exhibition. |
no ref. |
III.C.iii/1-2 |
III.C.iii/1 Seventeen typed pages titled: ‘Notes on Charles Williams Exhibition brief’; annotated in different coloured inks III.C.iii/2 Fifteen photocopied pages, also titled ‘Notes on Charles Williams Exhibition brief’, but with very different hand-written annotations. |
no ref. |
conferences / workshops |
III.D.i |
Announcement of a conference on ‘The Christian Vision of Charles Williams’ held at St Margaret’s Convent, Roxbury, Massachusetts in July |
no ref. |
centenary celebration |
III.E.i/1-5 |
Clipping from the Church Times, 23 May 1986, p. 8: column regarding the start of the celebrations for the centenary year, and III.E.i/2 Service sheet for Service of Thanksgiving in St Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 20 Sept 1986 (seven copies, note the marginalia on the top two) III.E.i/3/a
Notes by Martin Moynihan for Centenary ceremony at Holywell Cemetery on 20 Sept 1986 following service at St Mary the Virgin. A second Also, eight colour (unlabelled) photographs of ceremony at graveside in Holywell Cemetery. III.E.i/3/b The two cloth banners placed on the tombstone by the Inklings-Gesellschaft (see photos in III.E.i/3/a). III.E.i/3/c
Letter from Gillian Lunn to Richard Wallis, accompanying a card of the Holywell cemetery from John Ashdown. The card reads: ‘The German III.E.i/4 Two photocopies of a typed sheet listing: ‘Events in 1986 to Mark the Centenary This Year of the Birth of Charles Williams’. III.E.i/5 Brochure of Islington Libraries, ‘What’s On–July, 1986’, listing the Charles Williams Exhibition in the Central Library Gallery. |
no ref. |
III.E.ii |
[other memorial services of thanksgiving] III.E.ii/a Service programme for Service of Thanksgiving, St Cross Church, Oxford, 13 May 1995 (four copies) III.E.ii/b Bidding prayer for Service of Thanksgiving, St Cross Church, Oxford, 13 May 1995. |
no ref |
III.E.iii |
III.E.iii/a Small clipping from an unnamed newspaper of 18 Sept. 1986 announcing the thanksgiving service and the Bodelian exhibition. III.E.iii/b
Page 11 of Church Times of 5 Sept. 1986 titled ‘Supernaturally Gifted A Centenary Tribute to Charles Williams’ by Humphrey |
no ref. |
III.E.iv |
Page from Il Lavoro, 20 Sept 1986, with an article by Giorgio Spina on the CW Centenary titled ‘Se il metafisico scrive i |
no ref. |
III.E.v |
Unveiling of blue plaque at 3 Caedmon, North Holloway, London. N7 30 colour photographs (unlabelled) |
no ref. | | Press release for BBC Bedfordshire re Centenary Celebration, two typed pages. Photocopy of ten typed pages, an apparent draft for a brochure announcing the Centenary Exhibition and describing CW and his writings. |
no ref. |
funeral / obits / burial |
III.F.i |
Tribute to CW by Colin Clout (F. Page?). The Lantern, the Quarterly magazine of the Oxford University Press, vol. 13, no. 2 (July |
no ref |
III.F.ii |
Clipping from The Oxford Magazine, 24 May 1945 of obituary for CW by C.S.L. |
no ref. |
III.F.iii |
Photocopy of a single page with a poem of nine lines titled: ‘EPITAPH By C. S. Lewis’ source unknown. |
no ref. |
III.F.iv |
Three typed (carbon copy) pages each with an obituary for CW: 1) by Gerard Hopkins from The Bookseller 2) by C. S. Lewis from The Oxford Magazine 3) by Anne Ridler from The New English Weekly |
no ref. |
III.F.v |
Photocopy of the entry for CW written by G. W. S. Hopkins in the DNB. |
no ref. | |
Photocopy an obituary for CW in an unnamed newspaper possibly from St. Albans. |
no. ref. |
III.F.vii |
A clipping from an unnamed magazine giving a posthumous summary written by John Heath-Stubbs of the works of CW. |
no ref. |
III.F.viii/ a-d |
III.F.viii/a Order of Service in memory of Ruth Jeanie Lucile O’Brien, 16 March 2009, St. Mary’s Church, Welwyn III.F.viii/b Order of Service in memory of Vivian Hughes Ridler, 21 March 2009, University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford III.F.viii/c Order of ‘A Service to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Dorothy Leigh Sayers’, Westminster Abbey, 15 Jan. 2008 III.F.viii/d Funeral Service sheet for Brenda Boughton, 23 March 2012, St. Giles Church, Oxford. |
no ref. |
III.F.ix |
Announcement from an unknown newspaper of CW’s funeral. |
no ref. |
Holywell Cemetery – map /newsletter |
III.G.i |
On Foot in Oxford III.G.i/b Map of Holywell Cemetery indicating location of CW’s grave. |
no ref. |
III.G.ii |
III.G.ii/a Friends of Holywell Cemetery, Appeal Fund brochure, 1988 III.G.ii/b Newsletter, 1989-1993. |
no ref. |
IV.A |
Alice Mary Hadfield – correspondence |
IV.A.i |
Correspondence between AMH and Edith Williams. Forty letters and cards dating from 4 Feb. 1946 to 14 Mar.1977. |
no ref. |
IV.A.ii/1-6 |
IV.A.ii/1 Two page letter to AMH from Mabel Taylor, dated 12 Jan. 1955 with a copy of CW’s baptism record enclosed. IV.A.ii/2
A two page letter to AMH from Sister Felicity with two small enclosures about The Society of the Hidden Life, together with an empty IV.A.ii/3 Two letters from Brenda Rushton in July 1977, one to AMH the other to Sister Felicity. IV.A.ii/4 An exchange of letters in Oct/Nov 1978 between AMH and Sister Felicity. IV.A.ii/5 Seven letters between AMH and Sister Elizabeth, Prioress of the Carmelite Monastery, Preston from 15 Oct. 1968 to 11 Feb. 1969. IV.A.ii/6
Eight typed pages, an anonymous essay with the title: ‘The Faith that finds its expression in love is all that counts. (Gal.5:5-6)’. It has |
no ref. |
IV.A.iii |
Correspondence of AMH with various individuals: 1. BBC (23-24 May 1949) 2. editor of Time and Tide (21 May 1947) 3. Heath-Stubbs (4 Nov 1950) 4. David Higham (1953) |
no ref. |
IV.A.iv |
Four letters from AMH to Margaret Douglas written shortly after CW’s death and a covering note from Joan (?) to AMH with the envelope used |
no ref. |
IV.A.v |
IV.A.v/1 Typed letter dated 18 Nov. 1954 from A.M. Peacock of the OUP to AMH concerning a letter from Sir Walter Raleigh. IV.A.v/2 The original of the letter referred to above, it is undated but from Sir Walter Raleigh to Humphrey Milford about CW’s The Silver Stair (cf A.1.i.b). IV.A.v/3 Typed letter dated 31 Jan., 1955 from H.R. Raleigh to AMH granting her permission to publish the letter. |
no ref. | | Handwritten letter dated 30 Sept. 1955 from Glen Cavaliero to AMH enclosing a list of persons ‘all of whom are interested in C.W.’ A letter dated 31 Oct. 1955 with two names for addition to the list sent in the above. |
no ref. |
IV.A.vii |
Two leaves taken from The Working Men’s College Journal, no date or place given, containing a tribute to Harold Eyers, a friend of |
no ref |
IV.A.viii |
Five handwritten letters ranging in date from 5 November 1955 to 7 March 1957; each concerned with some aspect of AMH’s work relating’ to |
no ref. |
IV.A.ix |
Three handwritten letters dated: 28 Nov., 12 Dec. 1954, 2 Jan. 1955 to AMH from G.H. Robinson giving his recollections of the earlier part |
no ref. |
IV.A.x |
A lengthy handwritten document addressed to AMH from ‘F.P.’. On the envelope containing it there is written by AMH(?) ‘Fred Page’s |
no ref. |
IV.A.xi |
Five small pages, three of them a handwritten letter dated 6 Jan. 1955 from Alice A. Pike to AMH, the last two, also handwritten, are |
no ref. |
IV.A.xii |
A small typed slip dated 4 March 1955 addressed to AMH by ? and enclosing a handwritten letter of two small handwritten sheets dated 2 |
no ref. |
IV.A.xiii |
A typed letter dated 26 Oct. 1954 with a handwritten postscript, from Lynton Lamb to AMH giving his recollections of working with CW. |
no ref. |
IV.A.xiv |
A six page (three sheets) handwritten letter dated 2 March 1955 from Vere Collins giving her recollections of CW at the OUP. |
no ref. |
IV.A.xv |
Two handwritten letters both from E.K. Bennett to AMH; one dated 5 Nov. 1954 is two short pages, the other dated 10 Nov. 1954 is longer, |
no ref. |
IV.A.xvi |
A small sheet with handwriting on both sides, dated 13 Dec. (later hand has added in pencil ‘about1955?’). It is a letter to AMH signed |
no ref. |
IV.A.xvii/ 1-3 |
A small single page typed and dated 13 June 1946, a letter to AMH from Montgomery Belgion thanking her for an earlier letter but with IV.A.xvii/2 Two handwritten note pages dated 13 Feb. 1946, a letter to AMH from G.H. Robinson with a few recollections of CW in 1898. IV.A.xvii/3 Two handwritten note pages dated 31 Oct. 1954, a letter to AMH from Kenneth Sisam with some notes on CW at the OUP and Robert Bridges. |
no ref. |
IV.A.xviii |
A one page typed letter dated 20 January 1955 from someone at the OUP whose signature is unreadable and who is answering a request from AMH |
no ref. |
IV.A.xix |
Three-page handwritten letter dated 29 Oct. 1954 from G. Wilson Knight to AMH regarding his knowledge and view of CW. |
no ref. |
IV.A.xx |
Seventeen typed pages comprising eleven letters from Raymond Hunt to AMH extending from 31 May 1945 to 27 May 1947 |
no ref. |
IV.A.xxi |
Photostats of six letters contained in a folder [bearing this label written in AHM’s hand: ‘Letters written to me by people who knew 1. Florence S. Williams, 20 Feb. 1956, grants AMH permission to use quotations from CW’s published work. 2. Perry Hopkins, 5 Oct. 1957, encloses a letter (not included here) to AMH asking for knowledge of CW’s early life. 3. C.S Lewis, 27 Oct. 1954, acknowledges receipt of AMH’s letter. 4. Lynton Lamb, 23 April 1956, proposes alternatives for design and production of a dust jacket for AMH’s forthcoming book. 5. Robin Milford, 30 Oct. 1954, six handwritten pages with remarks about C.W. and music.
6. Robin Milford, 12 July 1955, two handwritten pages, thanks AMH for returning letters he had sent and refers to a cantata he and CW might |
no ref. |
IV.A.xxii |
One page typed letter dated 22 Feb. 1955 to AMH from H.M. Peacock of the OUP with an attached list of the Kierkegaard books issued in the |
no ref. |
IV.A.xxiii |
Letters addressed to AMH: 1) from Joan de S- Brock, dated 12 Dec. 1969 2) from Sister Kristin, dated 10 July 1964 |
no ref. |
IV.A.xxiv |
Letters received by AMH after the publication in 1959 of An Introduction to Charles Williams. Arranged here in alphabetic order of |
no ref. |
IV.A.xxv |
Three handwritten sheets, each consists of two columns one headed ‘Date’ the other ‘Person’. The first and earliest date is 1945 opposite |
no ref. |
IV.B |
Edith Williams – material relating to |
IV.B/1-9 |
IV.B/1 A typed paragraph by AMH about discussing with EW the collecting of CW’s letters. IV.B/2
Four letters to Sister Felicity from EW dated from Aug. 1969 to May 1973 and a typed extract from a letter from EW to Sister Felicity re IV.B/3 Newspaper clipping from The Herts. Advertiser of 8 July 1977 about EW. IV.B/4 Two copies of a hymn written by EW. IV.B/5
Eighteen small pages of handwriting. On the enfolding paper cover AMH wrote in ink ‘Edith’s memoir’ and beneath that, in pencil, ‘Memories IV.B/6
Four pages of various sizes with notes in AMH’s hand about EW and her funeral arrangements; Small handwritten note by AMH with details of IV.B/7 One page typed letter dated 8 Dec. 1959 from EW to AMH upon reception of AMHX. IV.B/8 Photocopy of a note dated 9 May 1976 from EW to AMH upon learning of the CW Society. IV.B/9 Photocopy of a two page letter dated 14 Mar. 1977 from EW to AMH with some recollections of CW as a youth. |
no ref. |
IV.C |
Michal Williams – correspondence |
IV.C.i |
Ten handwritten letters from Michal (Florence) Williams to AMH. They date from 6 Oct. 1954 to 9 Dec. 1959. |
no ref. |
IV.C.ii |
Letter to Brenda Tee from Michal Williams, dated 28 May 1945, with envelope. |
no ref. |
Letter, dated 6 Dec. 1954, from Michael Williams to AMH replying to her request for information about his mother. Attached to the letter is |
no ref. |
IV.D |
John D. Pellow – materials relating to |
IV.D.i/a-f |
Seventeen letters of the correspondence between AMH and John D. Pellow dating from 30 Aug. 1974 to 13 Oct. 1978. Some of those from Pellow IV.D.i/b
Five small notebook pages titled “Talking with Taliessin†a poem written by John D. Pellow in 1946; Four typed pages, with some handwritten IV.D.i/c
Two typed pages, the second a carbon copy of the first. The heading gives Pellow’s name and address. There follows eight numbered lines IV.D.i/d
A partly typed page with the date 20/viii/74 written at the very top. On close inspection it clearly appears to be a sheet sent to Pellow IV.D.i/e
Fifteen slips of various sizes each with notes handwritten by AMH(?) pertaining to John D. Pellow and CW’s writings. Some are dated 1974 IV.D.i./f Three pages of correspondence of AMH following the death of JDP |
no ref. |
IV.E. |
Anne Scott – materials relating to |
IV.E.i-ii |
IV.E.i a) Letter received from Richard (Wallis?), dated 4 June 1985 suggesting another exhibition of CW material at the Bodleian.
b) Letter dated 27 June 1985 to D. S. Porter of the Bodelian Library, asking that another exhibition of CW’s material be arranged. Though c) Letter from D. S. Porter dated 5 July 1985, addressed to Anne Scott expressing interest in such an exhibition. d) Letter from ECRH dated 19 March 1986 concerning various items for the exhibition. e) Letter from Sister Irene Benedict dated 15 November 1965 concerning a visit by Anne Scott to Sister Barbara Charis.
IV.E.ii a) Nine notebook pages detailing the ownership of items in the CW exhibition at the Bodelian. b) Two typed sheets and two slips of paper all with miscellaneous notes concerning the CW exhibition at the Bodelian. |
no ref. |
IV.F |
Michael Williams & Clyde Kilby – correspondence |
IV.F.i |
Three typed letters re the publication of a volume of CW’s letters. The first is from Michael Williams dated 16 Feb. 1968, The other two, |
no ref. |
IV.G |
Margaret Douglas – correspondence |
IV.G.i |
IV.G.i/a Ty[ed letter from Margaret Douglas dated 15 May 1945 to Miss Renwick [later Scott] telling of CW’s death. IV.G.i/b Typed letter to Thelma Shuttleworth dated 17 May 1945, concerning CW’s death |
no ref. |
V |
The Charles Williams Society |
V.A.i/1-2 |
Six-page photocopy of ‘CONSTITUTUION AND RULES OF THE CHARLES WILLIAMS SOCIETY, constitution as amended and approved at the Annual General V.A.i/2 Two preliminary copies of the ‘Constitution and Rules’ with various annotations and corrections. |
no ref. |
V.B.i |
Ten printed pages dated 1 Feb. 2010 being the Publishing Agreement between the CW Society and Apocryphile Press for publication of The Taliessin Poems of Charles Williams |
no ref. |
V.B.ii |
Seven typed pages titled ‘REPRINTING CHARLES WILLIAMS’, undated but with the name Stephen Barber at the very end. It appears to be a report |
no ref. |
V.C |
reference library of CW Society |
V.C.i/1-9 |
V.C.i/1 Three handwritten pages by AMH on building and administration of the library, with typescript based on notes. V.C.i/2
Copy of a two-page typed document titled ‘Reference Collection’ describing its establishment and function and acknowledging the donations V.C.i/3
Carbon copies of seven typed notes (dated June-Oct 1977), some acknowledgments of donations and others concerning business of the Society V.C.i/4 Typed reading list of books by CW taken from the British Library Printed Catalogue. Two copies. V.C.i/5 Copy of a hand-written list of writings labelled ‘Theology 1939-1945’ V.C.i/6 Photocopies of Modern Language Association Bibliographies for: 1960-1964, 1966-1969 with some marginalia V.C.i/7 A two page letter dated 2 January 1989 from ECRH to Brian Horne about a list of books for the library. V.C.i/8
One page typed letter dated 27 June 2006 from Andrew P. Scott to Dr. Nicholas Crowe, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies re a V.C.i/9 One typed page titled ‘ITEMS FOR THE CHARLES WILLIAMS REFERENCE COLLECTION’. Marginalia indicate present location. V.C.i/10 Four printed pages with the search results, using bibliofind on 30 March 1999, for the volumes of CW’s writings on offer by Toby English. |
no ref. |
V.C.ii |
One page hand-written letter dated 18 July 1997 from Christine English to Brian Horne regarding the enclosed provisional list of materials V.C.ii/b
Sixty typed pages with this written by hand at the top of page 1: ‘July ’97. Provisional list of CW Soc. Library – requires further |
no ref. |
V.D |
membership lists of CW Society |
V.D.i |
V.D.i/1 Membership book, from 15 May 1975 through 1992 (ruled notebook bound in boards). V.D.i/2 Membership and Subscription logbook ), in alphabetical order, with petty cash receipts (1981-87 (bound in red cloth boards) |
no ref. |
V.D.ii |
Three typed sheets containing The CW Society Membership List 1997 |
no ref. |
V.E |
correspondence of CW Society |
V.E/1 |
Correspondence (with some Minutes) of the Society. Nov 1975/1976. In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/2 |
1977 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/3 |
1978 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/4 |
1979 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/5 |
1980 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/6 |
1981 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/7 |
1982 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/8 |
1983 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/9 |
1984 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/10 |
1985 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/11 |
1986 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/12 |
1987 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/13 |
1988 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/14 |
1989 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/15 |
1990 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/16 |
1991 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/17 |
1992 In reverse chronological order from front to back. |
V.E/18 |
1993 (including council minutes for 1993; correspondence with the Charities Commission) |
V.E/30 |
2005 31 March, Letter from Grevel (Lindop?) to Brenda (Boughton?) |
V.E/35 |
2010 Note card dated 4 May 2010 to Brian (Horne?) from Rosie Boughton |
V.F |
individual members of the Society |
V.F/1 |
John Heath-Stubbs:
Typescript of obituary by Brian Horne (Feb 2007); obit in The Guardian 29 Dec 2006; letter from Eileen …? Brian Horne (18 Feb |
Gillian Lunn: V.F/2.i
Notes made by Gillian Lunn of a reference to CW in Penguin Dictionary of Quotations 1980 and 18 references to Auden’s and V.F/2.ii Two page typed letter from ECRH to GL, date 18 Feb. 1982, concerning publication of CW’s masques and other matters. V.F/2.iii
Handwritten letter from Gillian Lunn to Brian Horne date 19 Oct. 2012 regarding the enclosed synopsis and paper (items V.F/2.iv and v V.F/2.iv Dated 1977 a one page handwritten ‘Synopsis’ of the accompanying study (item V.F./2.v below). V.F/2.v
A spiral-bound thirty-four page typed study with a cover stating, ‘A critical study of the Arthurian poetry of Charles Williams: “Taliessin |
V.F./3.i-v |
Stephen Medcalf: V.F/3.i Medcalf, Stephen: obituary (possibly from the Times) undated; obituary from another unnamed and undated newspaper; obituary in The Guardian, 18 Oct. 2007. V.F/3.ii
Programme of a Memorial Service for Stephen Medcalf held on 1 Feb. 2008 [two copies]; a twenty-one page booklet titled, ‘Tributes In Memory V.F/3.iii Obituary issued by University of Sussex; a composite of several photos of Medcalf’s home and study [two copies] V.F/3.iv Service sheet [two copies] from memorial service for Stephen Ellis Medcalf, at The Meeting House at the University of Sussex, 1 Feb 2008 V.F./3.v Tributes in memory of Stephen Ellis Medcalf (two copies) |
V.F./4/a-e |
Martin Moynihan: V.F./4/a Obituary from the Times (undated [2007]). V.F./4/b obituary written by Brian Horne (30 Aug 2007). Two slightly different versions V.F./4/c
pamphlet of a paper ‘Wordsworth and Crossing the Alps: the Alpine moment and the figure of nature’, read by Moynihan to the Wimbledon V.F./4/d pamphlet Three Tales by Moynihan (1985). V.F./4/e
offprint of article by Moynihan titled ’Neo-Scotism. A Note in Praise of Duns’, in Regnum Hominis et Regnum Dei, ed. Camille |
V.F./5 |
Barbara Reynolds: V.F/5.i
Announcement dated 15 Aug 2007 announcing the Barbara Reynolds is the first recipient of the Clyde S. Kilby Lifetime Achievement Award, V.F/5.ii Photocopy of a letter dated 7 Sept. 1989 from Barbara Reynolds to Brian Horne on receiving news of the death of AMH. |
V/F./6 |
Richard Hayward Wallis: Service brochure for funeral at St. Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill, 30 Nov. 2009 |
V.F./7.i-v |
Alice Mary Hadfield: V.F/7.i
Two pages, one a handwritten list titled ‘Bibliography of Books by Alice Mary Hadfield’. It extends from 1935 to 1983. The second page is a V.F/7.ii
A single typed page with a great many pencilled notations, obviously a working copy of the title page for Outlines of Romantic Theology by AMH together with the reprinting of ‘Religion and Love in Dante: The Theology of V. F/7.iii Two typed pages comprising an obituary of AMH written by Brian Horne and dated November 1989. V.F/7.iv
Two typed bits of paper with a portion of AMH’s will. At the top of the first piece there is this written by hand: ‘Will dated 25 July V.F/7.v
A small handwritten slip of paper with suggestions that it states AMH made regarding CW’s three masques; three typed pages entitled: ‘THE |
V.F./8.i-v |
Ellis Charles Raymond Hadfield: V. F/8.i
Three page, typed letter dated 20 Oct., 1989 from ECRH to Brian Horne in answer to questions as to education, employment, marriage to AMH V.F/8.ii A letter dated 23 Sept. 1989 from ECRH to Brian Horne about the death of AMH V.F/8.iii A letter dated 13 Oct. 1989 from ECRH to Brian Horne with enclosures and information for the article Horne was preparing. V.F/8.iv
The enclosures with the above letter seem to have been: (1) a photocopy of a letter to ECRH dated 31 August 1989 from Richard Pennington, V.F/8.v Two letters dated 26 & 27 1989 from ECRH to Bryan Horne pertaining to books of AMH that ECRH was sending to Horne for the library. V.F/
Two page letter dated 16 Feb. 1989 from ECRH to Bryan Horne regarding various manuscripts, typescripts and printed texts that he was |
V.G. |
Membership brochures & Newsletter |
V.G.i/a-b |
V.G.i/a Eight descriptive brochures of the CW Society with an application form for membership. V.G.i/b A stiff card, 4.75†x 7.5â€, with a photograph of CW beneath which is a printed paragraph giving some details of the CW Society. |
CW Society Newsletter No. 3, Autumn 1976 No. 88, Autumn 1998 |
V.H. |
Conferences of the Society |
V.H/1-4 |
V.H/1 Programme of the CW Society Conference, London, 19 July 1997 V.H/2 Programme for CW Society Day Conference, 13 October 2007, at St Matthew’s Church Westminster V.H/3 Seven copies of the CW Society Conference on CW and His Contemporaries, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, 6 July 2008 V.H/4 Three copies of the programme of the CW Society Conference at The Royal Foundation of Saint Katherine, London, 16-17 June 2000 |
VI |
Other Societies |
VI.A |
The George MacDonald Society:
Orts VI.A/i No. 66, Winter 2004/05 VI.A/ ii No. 67, Spring 2005 Centenary Issue |
VI.B/1-4 |
The Dorothy L Sayers Society: VI.B/1 letter dated 6 No 2006 from Brian Horne to Christopher Dean regarding the possibility of a joint conference. VI.B/2 letter dated 15 Nov 2006 from Christopher Dean in answer to the above
Bulletin |
VI.C/1-4 |
C. S. Lewis: VI.C/1
Two typed pages, one a carbon of the other. On the top line there is this: ‘from C.S. Lewis: Poems. 1964. Epigrams and Epigraphs’. VI.C/2 Clipping from Time and Tide, 16 June 1945, ‘Notes on the Way’ by C. S. Lewis, An essay titled ‘Hedonics’, pp. 494-5.
A Cretaceous Perambulator VI.C./4 one page photostat titled ‘THE RANSOM THEORY OF THE ATONEMENT, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe’ |
The Inklings Archives Disc 1:
Facets of Lewis Disc 2:
Facets of Tolkien Disc 3:
Charles Williams and other Inklings Disc 4:
Tom Shippey – Rolland Hein Disc 5:
George Macdonald Disc 6:
Musical Facets of Lewis |
CD: Robin Milford, Piano Music and Songs (Phillida Bannister, contralto, Raphael Terroni, piano), Toccata Classics, London, 2008. No. 8 of |
Tape recording of BBC programme ‘Charles Williams’; producer Amanda Hancox; dated 18 June 1995 |
VII.D/a-c |
Audio tapes VII.D/a A talk, ‘The Doctrine of Exchange’ by Bishop John V. Taylor to the CW Society, 16 Oct. 1999 in Pusey House, St. Giles Oxford. VII.D/b
A lecture, ‘Charles Williams and the Arthurian Tradition’ by Joe McClatchey, The 12th Annual Marion E. Wade Lecture, 30 Oct. VII.D/c side A: The AGM of the CW Society date, not given. side B: Poetry Reading followed by discussion after Eric James’ talk concluding with ‘The Apologue of The Wedding Garment’ |
VII.E/a-b |
VII.E/a A Formatted floppy disc with text files from ‘The Web of Exchange’ worldwide web site fiction.txt and wabout.txt VII.E/b Printouts of [all?] the website pages of ‘The Web of Exchange’. Placed on web in September 1995. |
VII.F/a-b |
VII.F/a A video tape of The Masque of the Manuscript and The Masque of Perusal performed in Oxford 16/5/98. VII.F/b
A printed programme of of The Masque of the Manuscript and The Masque of Perusal performed in Oxford 16/5/98. Gift of Diana Sparkes (neé |
artwork & certificates [Stored in large flat box – Box 19] |
VIII.A/1-2 |
VIII. A/1 Brochures VIII. A/1.a Oxford: The CW Society; Museum of Oxford’s Inkling Exhibition; and Inkling Walking Tours. VIII. A/1.b Wheaton, Illinois: The Marion Wade Collection VIII. A/2
Discarded paper dust jackets: He Came Down From Heaven, The Region of the Summer Stars; Windows of the Night; The Theology of Romantic |
School certificates VIII.B.i Honour Certificate granted CW Dec. 1900 at St. Albans. VIII.B.ii Honour Certificate granted CW Dec. 1901 at St. Albans. |
Matriculation certificate University of London Certificate that CW matriculated as a Student at the January Examination, dated 25 Feb. 1903 |
Poster (artist: Lamb) for ‘Three Plays | Charles Williams’, Oxford. No date |
Poster for the exhibition held in the Divinity School, Bodleian Library, Oxford, 8 Sept—13 Nov 1986 |
VIII.F/1-5 |
Original sketches of CW by Anne Spalding. VIII.F/1 sketch of the head, dated Dec 1943 VIII.F/2 very preliminary sketch of head VIII.F/3 two sketches of head (one extremely faint), unlabelled and undated VIII.F/4/a labelled ‘Milein [?] Cosman [?] July 1942’ VIII.F/4/b two feint sketches of head of CW, one labelled in corner ‘CW June 1942’ VIII.F/5/a head of CW, initials CW in corner, March 1942 VIII.F/5/b a very small head and hands [of CW] dated 1942 |
Original artwork for a folder for papers. Background drawing of CW’s residence in Oxford, with inscription on front ‘Nine South Parks Road’ undated |
Original artwork. Mounted on heavy cardboard is a drawing of a map of Europe on which a recumbent human figure is superimposed, used as the |