In Spring 2007, the Charles Williams Quarterly published A Myth of Bacon, which is unavailable anywhere else. We’re reposting it here, for easier access. Due to its nature as a verse play, the formatting is rather precise. We’ve created a live-text version which you can read here, but you can also download a PDF as it […]
The Charles Williams Society
Author Archives: admin
The Emperor and The Zodiac
In Autumn 2004, the Charles Williams Quarterly included a previously-unpublished poem fragment. We’re reposting it here, but you can also download the issue of the Quarterly here. The Emperor and The Zodiac Charles Williams In the throne of the Emperor are the twelve zodiacal images, each the generation of creation and each its consummation, twelvefold to […]
Quarterly Archive now available
We’ve posted an archive of our Quarterly, which was produced from 1976 onwards. You can download each issue as a PDF. Check out the list here!
Charles Williams’s Grave
All members of the Society will know that Charles Williams is buried in Holywell Cemetery next to St Cross Church in Oxford. The grave is, strictly speaking, the responsibility of the estate, i.e. the heirs, of Charles Williams, but for many years the Charles Williams Society has taken on this responsibility and has tried to […]
Lois Lang-Sims (1917-2014)
Lois Lang-Sims, whom we know as a corespondent of Williams, and co-author of ‘Letters to Lalage‘, died recently. Below is a remembrance by Society member Grevel Lindop. LOIS LANG-SIMS (1917-2014) Lois Lang-Sims, who died on March 11 at the age of 97, was perhaps the last of Charles Williams’s ‘disciples’ – those who, for a […]
Annual General Meeting 2014
The Annual General Meeting of the Charles William Society will be held on Saturday 12 April 2014 at 12.00 noon in the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Shoe Lane, OXFORD. Agenda 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes of the previous AGM 3. Matters Arising 4. Reports from the Officers of the Society (a) Secretary […]
Archive Catalog complete!
Our two excellent volunteers have completed an electronic catalog of our Archives.  The second installment of two is available now: a catalog of the books – the Society’s holdings of books by Williams, and others about him.  Access it here!
Older copies for sale
If you’re shopping for Charles Williams books, a new collection of older copies has been posted for sale by Roger Brown of Brown’s books here: Tell Roger you’re part of the Society! UPDATE 23 January 2014: Â It looks like they’ve all been sold. Â As of today, that search only turns up books by other […]
The Catalog Archives
Two excellent volunteers have been hard at work creating an electronic catalog of our Archives. Â The first installment of two is available now: a catalog of the papers, everything except the books. Â Access it here!
Call for Papers: The Inklings and King Arthur
Society Member Sørina Higgins is collecting papers related to King Arthur and the Inklings. The collection will compare the Arthurian works, especially the mythological geographies, of Tolkien, Lewis, Williams, Barfield, their predecessors, and their contemporaries, in historical context. Read all the details and view topic ideas here. Abstracts are due on 1 January, 2014 so […]